Tuesday, September 30, 2008
World Card Making Day - This Saturday!
I plan on making a couple of cards this weekend for christmas or maybe a 'just because' card. (I haven't decided yet). I'll post some of the cards that I make here... so look for them soon (in a couple of weeks). In the meantime, enjoy spending time with your crafting friends, make some cards, and make someone's day by giving them a homemade card.
While you're at it, you can make envelopes too. Below is a link for Envelope Glue (maybe it'll taste better than the normal envelopes).
Official World Card Making Day website.
Envelope Glue Recipe
Card Making Crafts
Pop-up Lotus Card
Joann's Fabrics Card Making Projects
Michaels Card Making Projects
Simple Pop-up Cards
Monday, September 29, 2008
Simple Knitting Loom Scarf
This is a simple project that will be well appreciated during the cold winter months. The pattern is from the Knifty Knitters Assorted Looms book. I'm using the long pink loom for this scarf & will am holding 2 yarns thru out the project. You can also make the scarf by holding only one yarn. 2 yarns gives a thicker, warmer scarf, whereas the 1 yarn is a nice light scarf.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Chuck is on Monday 8/7c on NBC
Friday, September 26, 2008
Baby Fish
This morning, I went to feed my fish and I saw a baby platy swimming around. It's all very surprising that this guy survived the big tank of predators. But it did. This baby was up against
- 5 tiger barbs,
- 2 cory doras,
- 1 plecostamus,
- 4 danios,
- 1 neon (the lonely neon was what was left of about 2 dozen that we had),
- 1 clown loach,
- 1 platy (we had half a dozen of these guys) and
- 6 black skirt tetras.
Because all but the tiger barbs are classified as community fish, I'm almost certain the tiger barbs are the culprits of not only the neons, but this lone baby's brothers and sisters. Then again, these babies are so tiny, the other fish could have eaten them too. Grrr! I've gotta do something about that.
Anyway, I'm still excited to see this baby fish swimming around. :-) Once I'm able to get a decent picture of him/her I'll update this post.
Update: Here s/he is!
Update: 10-5-08
It's a girl. :-) I just looked today, and it looks like the bottom fin fans out, which means that the baby platy is a female. Oh, and by the way, she's alive. :-) She's actually getting braver, in that she's coming out of the plants and into the open a little more now.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Museum Day: This Saturday!

All in all, it was a great way to spend a Saturday evening... and the price was definitely right. :-) It's also reignited my interest in the universe and all of it's glory. I think I'll be saving up for a telescope soon. :-)
All in all, it was a fun way to spend a Saturday evening.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Fleece Rope Dog Toys
These are great toys for fetching and for tug o' waring and for spending good quality time with your faithful friend. I usually make several of these every couple of months for my dogs and for my friend's dogs. They can also be great gifts to a new dog owner or to your favorite dogs. They love playing with these inexpensive and super simple to make dog toys.
The basic construction of this toy are strips of fleece fabric, braided, then knotted on both ends. I usually pick thru the remnants bin at Joann's Fabrics for the fleece. It works out great because you get the fabric for very cheap (discounted from regular prices) and the length you get is usually about right. Watch out for good storewide sales at Joann's as the deal can be even sweeter (I recently bought a bunch of fabric from the remnants bin at an additional 70% off the already discounted price... I love those kind of deals). The only downside to this is that the selection is not always the best. Luckily, our dogs aren't too picky. :-)
To make the rope toy, you would first start out by cutting the fleece into strips of about 4" wide. I usually cut it from selvage to selvage with a rotary fabric cutter but you can use scissors too. I, then cut the strips into halves or thirds lengthwise depending on the size of rope toy I'm making. Halves make nice long rope toys.
You'll need three strips of varying colors to make a rope toy. Take those three strips and make a knot about 3"- 6" from one of the ends.
On the following step, you'll either need someone to hold the knotted end of the strips or you can do what I do and just use a clamp to clamp it down. You'll next, want to braid the strips to the end. For strong chewers, braid it somewhat tight. For lighter chewers, a looser braid will do. Once near the end, make another knot like before, leaving a 3" - 6" tail. Once that's done, the toy is complete. For looks, you can cut the tails into smaller strips. Be creative with these. Try to tie several ropes together or try adding a tennis ball in the mix. Let me know your experiences in these. :-)
As with any other dog toys, please supervise how your dog plays with these toys. If your dog likes to eat things whole and your noticing he/she trying to swallow these ropes whole, you'll want to remove the toy from the dog and make sure he plays with it only under supervision. Have him/her fetch or play tug o' war. He'll love the interaction with his favorite buddy as much as he'll love his new toy. I hope your dog enjoys his new toys. :-)
Heroes Premieres Tonight on NBC

Monday, September 15, 2008
Shabu Shabu Time!
- Thinly sliced New York Steaks
- Peeled shrimp
- Bok Choi
- Chinese Napa Cabbage
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Mushrooms
- Baby corn (from a can)
- Chicken broth
- Water (to cut in the chicken broth... plenty of flavor to go around)
- Teriyaki sauce
- Dumpling dipping sauce
- Ginger sesame sauce
We've tried some of the following in the past:
- Thinly Sliced Ribeye Steak : very good, no complaints here.
- Snow peas : turns out we don't like them very much.
- Carrots : sinks and it's hard to grab once it does
- Regular Cabbage : turned out a bit too thick
What we plan to try in the future:
- Asparagus
- Green beans
- Red Snapper or some other kind of fish
**Tip: Freeze the meat most of the way thru if you're cutting thinly with a knife, it makes it much easier. If you're using a meat slicer, freeze it all the way, it seems to work even better that way. If you have a butcher near you, you can probably ask him to slice it paper thin for you.
Here's a picture of the veggies cooking away in the pot.What we usually do is, we make one person in charge of putting the veggies in, and she will put it in pretty much by the handful depending on what's in the pot. This way, the veggies become more communal, anyone can just pick and grab whatever is in the pot. As for the meats, everyone has access to them and just pick and cook their own as they please.
Shabu shabu has become one of our favorite things to eat. It's not only healthy and quick, it's also really fun and fun to say. Anyway, enjoy playing with your food. :-)
[Update. 3.23.2009] - We had shabu shabu again over the weekend and with red snapper on sale for $2.99/lb, we decided to give that a shot in the shabu shabu pot. It cooked up quite excellent. The fish came out kinda bland, but once dipped in sauce (hot dumpling sauce was what I was using for the night) it was outstanding.
[Update. 8.24.2009] - We tried another new item that proved to be a success. Thin slices of pork loin. Delicious! Along with thinly sliced rib eye and shrimp. The rib eye was a bit of a splurge, but really, even one steak lasts a long while when thinly sliced.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Talk Like A Pirate Day
It's nice to celebrate those silly "holidays" once in a while. So, I hope you get to enjoy a good talk like a pirate day even if you don't celebrate it on September 19th.
Updated[9/22/08]: Founds some new links that might be helpful next year.
Talk like a pirate translator
Make a treasure map
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remolding Soap
I've recently found a website that is easily becoming one of my favorite sites. Tipnut.com published this cool new tip a couple of days ago.
If you ever wondered what to do with all your hotel soaps from travels. This is the tip for you. She shaves down all of those small sample soaps adds a little water for moisture and a little oatmeal, and basically remolds it into new bars of soap. I use to travel a couple of times a month for work and racked up a bunch of those little soaps that I intended to donate to a local women's shelter but never got around to do. I think I'm gonna take a couple of those soaps to try this out and finally take the rest to that local shelter. :-) Thanks for the idea tipnut.
Once I try it out, I'll post the results here. If you give it a shot, please let me know your experiences. :-)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Free Starbucks Coffee recipe E-book
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Marshmallow Shooter (automatic)
- 1/2" PVC tee (quantity: 2)
- 1/2" PVC cap (quantity: 2)
- 1/2" PVC elbow (quantity: 2)
- 1/2" PVC pipe - 3" length (quantity: 3)
- 1/2" PVC pipe - 5" length (quantity: 1) (handle)
- 1/2" PVC pipe - 8" length (quantity: 2) (barrel and hopper)
- 1/2" PVC pipe - 6" length (quantity: 1) (mouthpiece)
- cotton ball, and tape (for design, etc)
- mini marshmallows (ammo)
The cotton ball is put in the 3" piece next to the handle, and it's so the air is directed straight thru to the barrel. I also add in a piece of tape so I'm sure nothing goes that way.
Anyway, put the pieces all together and you're ready to put ammo in and shoot. :-)
First remove the cap that's on the hopper. (top cap)
Load that baby up. :-) I've heard others line the inside of the pvc pipes with cornstarch for less stickage, but I didn't have that problem. I just gently rolled the ones that didn't quite fit, and they dropped in perfectly. I only tried it with about 8 marshmallows, but it was clear that you can easily load much more.
Now blow in the mouthpiece, and watch all (or at least most) of the marshmallows fly. :-) It's just great, and what distance.
Beware that it might cause a mess, and I don't think a lot of marshmallows are good for dogs, so only allow them to digest a minimum amount. I'm planning on making about 4 more of these to have a full out "war" with my friends. Should be fun.
Have a great time making the shooters, and enjoy them. Best of all, it's pretty cheap for the amount of fun you get from it. (2 guns cost me ~$3 a piece + ammo).
Exciting TV Line Up this Week
Hope you're enjoying your weekend. :-) I've got a nice weekend project post coming up (probably tonight) but for now, I want to share with you this weeks TV line up. (I'm sure it's incomplete but it's gonna be great).
FRINGE (Tuesday Sept 9 8/7c on Fox)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Monday, Sept 8 8/7c on Fox)
Hole in the Wall (Thursday, Sept 11, 8/7c Preview Sunday, Sept 7, 8/7c on Fox)
Kitchen Nightmares (Thursday, Sept 11, 9/8c on Fox)
Have a good day.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Cuddly Pom Kit
If you're curious, they also have this kit in other animals. I've seen a monkey, a dog, panda and penguin. All are super cute. I'd like to give this a shot without the kit sometime.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day! - Ribbon Bookmarks
Check out the WikiHow post, the poster did a really great job in showing the step by step instructions to create these awesome bookmarks.