It's been nearly a year ago since I found this recipe online and I've already made it several times. I found this recipe from a site called CatCanCook, who claims this recipe to be fool proof. Well, it pretty much is. It's an easy 8 ingredient (9 if you count my vanilla) recipe that will have you eating banana muffins in almost no time.
Because the link above has the recipe and I really didn't change anything but multiplying the recipe by 4 and adding 4 tsp of vanilla to it, I thought I'd spare you with the task of rereading the recipe. Instead, I'll just share the pictures of my experience, as well as tips I've discovered when baking these in bulk.

Tip 1: You can freeze bananas when they're spotted and brown and no one wants to eat them, then use them for this recipe. It works out great. Just toss the bananas in the freezer (no bag needed unless you want to bag them), then when you have a good pile, defrost it for a minute in the microwave, and peel them into a bowl.
Tip 2: Some say to use a fork to mash the bananas... I say, if you have one, use a potato masher. Seriously, it works great. I then finished it off with my mixer when mixing it in with all the other wet ingredients.
Tip 3: When making this in bulk, make sure you have a big enough bowl. As you can see in the picture, my bowl was close to it's maximum. Phew.

Tip 4: Have more than one muffin pan. This would have been an enormous help, because I could have had one to set up while the other one was baking. Or I could have used both racks of the oven. At any rate, it would have been a good energy saver, time saver, and temperature saver (hot summer + oven on, not a good combination) had I used more than my one muffin pan. Next time, I know.
Tip 5: Use an ice cream scooper to fill the muffin pans. I found that it was easy to use, and gave uniform scoops of batter.
Tip 6: Use a skewer stick to check doneness by poking in the middle muffins and checking if the stick comes out clean.

Tip 7: If you're not planning on eating all of these muffins, and would rather have a few in the ready when you feel like eating one, they're freezable. Once the muffins were completely cooled down, I placed 12 in a zip lock freezer bag, and tossed it (well, gently placed it) in the freezer. To reheat, just let stand out for a bit til it's completely defrosted, or microwave for 30 seconds. It'll be nearly as good as when you first baked it.
Tip 8: Don't forget to enjoy one fresh from the oven (when I say fresh, I mean, after it's cooled off just a little so you don't burn yourself). It's a wonderful way of celebrating your success. :)
These make a good, quick breakfast, or a good, between meal snack. With all of the back to school mayhem that I'm sure people are enduring, this is bound to help out.
could you put chocoloate chips in them? and walnuts? I LOVE babana chocolate chip muffins.
I think you're cool :-)
That was me, Carmen.... I forgot to put my name LOL
LOL, Thanks Carmen. :-)
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