Today will be one year since I ventured forth and decided to make this blog. I honestly can't believe it's been that long. Wow, and what an adventure it's been. Just looking at the tag cloud to the right, we've covered a lot of ground. Yet there's still so much out there that I haven't tried.
Anyway, just wanted to say, thanks for sticking with me thru it all. I hope you're able to join me with my future adventures.
For this post, I thought I'd share the top ten blog projects from this past year.
10. Hanging Tomato Plant. There are actually a few posts of this tomato plant because of some updates. This year we ended up with 4 cherry tomato plants in the bucket. They're quite the tasty tomatoes -- but I think next year I'd like to plant some roma tomatoes in the same style. The best part about the hanging tomato plant, IMO, is that you don't have to bend down to pick them. I occasionally sit down right next to the plant, with my laptop and pick on the low hanging fruit ;-). Update 1, Update 2

9. LED lit birthday card. I enjoyed making this card very much. In the past couple of years, I've been fascinated with LED lights and how I might be able to incorporate them into projects. This was one of those projects. Plus, I thought my sister would get a kick out of it.

8. DIY Super Easy and Inexpensive Dog Leash. I still use these leashes when I walk my dogs. I've thought about making one that Y's out to both dogs. Maybe I'll visit that in a future project.

7. Cute Ribbon Flowers Made With a Flower Loom. This is one of my more recent posts. I've only made a couple of these. I actually want to revisit this project and try making a ribbon flower via a homemade loom instead of the knifty knitter loom. Right now, I'm thinking of using cardboard. hmmm.

6. Marshmallow Shooter Automatic. This was one of my first projects. They were definitely fun to play with. We actually played with it quite a bit at my sister and friend's empty apartment party. Cleanup wasn't too bad, but we were being careful not to step all over them.
5. DIY Aquarium Plant Rock Base. The popularity of this one is a bit of a surprise to me. I didn't think there would be a lot of people interested in aquarium crafts. It's a pleasant surpise. My plant and it's rock base is still entact and in the same corner I left it in. :-)

4. Easy Loom Knit Beanies. My friend. Alicia got me started in loom knitting and particularly loom knitting beanies. In fact, she gave me my first handmade beanie as a Christmas gift. The beanie is awesome, and super warm. It's actually so warm that I can't wear it for too long before my head gets too warm. I love my purple and black beanie, tho. Thanks Alicia.

3. Knot Friendship Bracelet. I've been wearing this type of bracelet for nearly 1 1/2 years now. It's a remembrance for me of someone lost but never forgotten. While the colors change occasionally, the meaning will stay the same. I'm glad of it's popularity, as it means people are making them whether it be for themselves or to celebrate friendship, etc.

2. Crocheted Bubble Baby Blanket. I really like this pattern, not just because it looks great, but because it's simple and fast. I've made about 4 baby blankets so far with this pattern.

1. Kusudama Flower. I had fun making this kusudama flower. One of these days, I think I'm going to make a bunch of these and put it together to make a kusudama ball. It really is amazing to think that the whole thing was made of paper (and a little glue). I think I'll try setting one up with some LED lights. :-)

Here's a list of a few other projects that you may have missed.
Cold Brewed Coffee
Fleece Dog Toys
Fabric Gift Tags
Cinch Bags
Gift Card Holders
Tea Bag Wallet
Messenger Bag
Reusable Sandwich Wrap
Shabu Shabu
Anyway, thanks again for coming by and celebrating with me. Coming up soon, DIY TV Stand, Crockpot Tomato Sauce, and Plantain Chips. Off to my next big adventure.